SEA LAW Custodian Alliance

We are honoured to announce the foundation of SEA LAW: Southern Elders Alliance of the Lineages of Ancestral Whales. We are a Custodian alliance spanning Point Culver in Western Australia to Nelson in Victoria; recognising the ancient connection of deep-sea whale peoples of the whale songlines of the Great Australian Bight.

The Custodians are led by Bunna Lawrie, Senior Elder and Whale Songman of the Yerkala Mirning, and Irene Watson, Senior Elder of the Meintangk, Bunganditj and Tanganekald. Both have been nationally and internationally acknowledged for their tireless work over many decades protecting culture and Country.

The SEA LAW Custodians continue the work of their ancestors, carrying the cultural authority for respective land-sea-sky Countries and will work collaboratively to protect this globally significant legacy for future generations.